Trust that pays off
Environmental Projects
Over long history of our planet ecosystem there was balance of things consumed and produced while being powered by the energy of the Sun – waste free and sustainable environment. Due to development of technology driven by demands of rapidly growing population and individual ambitions that balance was interrupted leading to rapidly degrading unsustainable conditions for all living organisms. New types of wastes were introduced in high concentration and amounts. Nevertheless following an example of nature, the same technology can be used to complement and restore the balance and to turn unnatural wastes into products and opportunities while being amplified by large number of people, and being energized by human responsibility, ingenuity and high productivity of digital tools available.
ECN0skin - alternative ECO-"leather" from wastes
Imagine no more plastic bags! But leather like nano-material instead with superior properties and inexpensive at the same time. But the most exiting news that it is made of food grade byproducts (otherwise going to waste) while no animals are killed and no toxic chemicals are used. We have solved major issues keeping similar products from hitting the market and being quickly produced in volumes without compromising the quality. Sustainably cozy!

Since 2005 our systems are supplying power to local communities in Sri-Lanka (link). Sustainable energy plantations from 3000 farmers provide fuel wood for total of four power-plants located in the country (over MW electrical).
Easy retrofit solution:
Reducing Greenhouse gasses while maximising profits.
Time tested in local environment.
4 kg of fuel wood cutting down Energy
cost by 50% -
CHP saving 100% on thermal energy costs.