Trust that pays off
Disruptive e-Learning platform (English skill for IT)
Multidisciplinary approach in solving the problem in education.
The problem is the use of outdated inefficient methodologies and lack of adaptive individual guidance to short-term results.
Our solution starts with:
An electronic platform for the formation of practically applicable speech skills in a foreign language, primarily speaking.
Formation of skills in specific steps and clearly defined deadlines.
Focus on results and target segments of students (adults, children, schoolchildren, students, workers, immigrants and emigrants, business, etc.)
An adaptive platform with a methodology for the rapid and effective acquisition of foreign language skills based on the latest digital data science tools (AI, speech recognition and big data), as well as VR & AR (virtual and augmented reality).
Tools for continuous support of each student by a virtual AI assistant, control of the training schedule, control of assignments, constant adaptive control of progress, path and learning curve.
The basic technique has already been worked out for the English language and can be quickly adapted for teaching other languages (for example, Chinese), and even for completely different areas of distance education.
since 2019

AI course for kids - today's perspective career on demand
Research by Gartner shows that in 2025 the number of new jobs related to AI will exceed 2 million. The specialists who can take them need to be trained today.
Course made of 20 lessons. 95% is practice and only 5% is theory.
Students will learn:
Fundamentals of programming
Fundamentals of Machine Learning
Critical thinking
Work in a team
Off-line and on-line versions.